For English or other languages user.
Because this article is specialized in Japanese, turn up odd sentences if translate this article by Google standard or other translator.
So, I prepared English article below weblog separator.
If you want to read this in English, click the '続きを読む' (Read more) and display the full text.
この文字は Unicode と呼ばれる文字セットではアルファベットより後に配置されているので、これを含まれるとソート順が狂う可能性があります。
<ラテン文字以外のアルファベット、文字を使う言語> *日本語以外
English document is below.
This article is different to above Japanese chapter the reason why this is retailed after translated Japanese one by Google translator. I don't have sufficient knowledge about English.
So, if you feel something 'strange' after reading, I say "sorry".
When you transfer musics including the unique characters such as CJK Ideographs - HanZi, Hiragana/Katakana, HunGul and so on, sometimes sort order of musics, artists and albums are not reasonable. The cause is iPhone and iPod had originally become a design on the assumption that it is used in Western languages area.
One way to prevent it is the setting of "Reading". To set it is so cumbersome. However, if you specify the proper "Reading" when you import the music, you will have better effort to sort the musics on your application or music player.
<Western languages>
It is not a problem in the notation as it is. However, there are several points to keep in mind if you wish to "strict" ordering. Primary, it is that capital (uppercase) letters shuould be changed to lowercase. If not change, capital letters will be arranged in preferential order than lowercase. Secondary, "accented character" - Latin character with accent - is recommended to be replaced by the Latin standard the removal of the accents. It is same reason as in the uppercase letters. In addition, "ligature" (such as "AE") is recommended that you replace the Latin of two or more with the meaning of its equivalent.
<The languages uses non-Latin characters> * other than Japanese
There is a way to be set by replacing the representation of Latin string the pronunciation of words. If that is easy to search towards the remains of the native language, then there is no problem of representation as it is.
Cyrillic and Arabic also allows you to control the sort order in the same way.
To tell the truth, the most recommended way is unified all the "Reading" in Japanese Ideographs such as Hiragana or Katakana. But it is not practical for non-Japanese. So, you want to get the language mixed sort order, be unified in Latin characters representing the pronunciation of Ideographs.
However, there are some caveats When represent the Japanese ideographs.
Primary, replacing the "Japanese long vowel symbol" (ー) to the hyphen is not a good way because the long vowel symbol means that the same vowel is followed. The better ways are replacing to previous vowel or omit it.
Secondary, some title of "Cool Japanese" musics are assigned different from the original reading of Ideographs or strings, so that almost translator can not represent these properly. When replace the reading of them, you must get the pronunciations written in Latin characters. If not exist, get written in Japanese Hiragana or Katakana at least.
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